Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Episode 10: In which I experience woe, woe, right-wing woe

Well, the 2010 UK general election produced an interesting result in that in produced the first coalition to govern in Britain since the second world war, however the 2010 general election here in the Netherlands was always going to give that result. Thanks to its proportional representation system, coalitions here are pretty much a given, with none of the 'Oh my god, our entire country's going to collapse if we haven't got a government for 5 days' mentality that was around in the UK back in May. I mean look at Belgium, they still haven't got a government and their election was way back in 855BC and they're doing fine. Oh wait...

Now, the election here produced a similar-ish result to the UK election, in that the single largest party was the centre-right party (the UK conservatives and the Dutch CDA). However, due to the much more splintered vote here even with the backing of another right-wing party (the VVD) they haven't got a majority. So, "to whom have they turned?" I hear no-one ask. Well, it's none other than that delightful fellow who goes by the name of Geert Wilders (think a more aryan Nick Griffin). Marvellous idea, chaps. Rather than reach out to say, the Greens or the PvdA (Labour) and risk having to compromise on some issues, they decided to go with his Freedom Party and its somewhat extremist views. Ahh, from one nasty coalition to another, dare I say it, nastier one.

Britain, take me back!

Monday, 27 September 2010

Episode 9: In which I have my first (of many) fiets fails

Well, it's finally happened. After 25 days of being in the Netherlands, I've had my first cycling 'incident'. This minor mishap of getting my pedal caught on our gatepost has resulted in four massive cuts around my left eye, making me look somewhat battle-hardened. Still, my bike was ok, as were my hands (instinct says they should have shot out to protect me, but no they stayed put and let my face take all the face-ground pain).

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Episode 8: In which week 2 is over

Yes, that's right. Week 2 is over is actual Dutch, I'll leave you to figure out the meaning...

So I've been at school for 2 weeks now and I have to say I'm rather enjoying it. There was a lot of timetable confusion this week as timetables have changed for most people so that meant for a few lessons I didn't have anything to do, but it meant I could head to the computer room and get some planning done at least.

I'm still waiting to be paid which means no trips as yet, though we are having a house-warming this weekend so at least there's something to look forwards to other than getting up and going to the gym. Unfortunately, I shall be doing all this with the worst hair known to man as I braved it and went to a dutch hairdress. The words "epic fail" don't even begin to describe what happened. I spoke all in dutch, so it wasn't a case of misunderstanding. Well, I say that but it quite clearly was, as when does 'shorter on the sides and a lot longer on top, with the fringe left as it is' actually mean 'please lop off my fringe and shave my head'? Seriously, I look appalling; though as my housemate pointed out, it's very dutch. This is an approximation of what I looked like in the chair

Still, it will all grow back...

Episode 7: In which fietsen is belangrijk!

Here he is, in all his glory. My new bike:

His name? Munro

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Episode 6: In which I have my first day

I had a meeting today in the school where I'll be working with my mentor teacher. After turning up at the wrong building, I still managed to make it bang on time (remembering the lesson we'd had about how it was standard for the dutch to turn up early going on in the back of my mind!). My mentor teacher took me to the staffroom where he introduced me to literally everyone, then proceeded to take me round school and show me where everything is, including teachers in their rooms (he just shouted at them to come say hello). Everyone seems ridiculously friendly, far more so than in Austria. They actually seem to want to spend time with you here and they're enthusiastic! A refreshing change from the Össis! They made a list of furniture I'm lacking and posted it on the noticeboard (along with a big note saying HIJ HEEFT OOK EEN FIETS NODIG! He needs a bike too!). It seems every friday they have TGIFriday drinks, from 14.30 onwards...bear in mind the school day doesn't finish until 4 and I think you'll agree it doesn't seem like much gets done around here on a friday.

All in all in seems like a really nice school, friendly pupils and friendly teachers, people whom I can actually see myself wanting to spend time with, which will be a refreshing change!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Episode 5: In which I waffle about bikes, take 1

Still no bike, sadly I am going to have to wait till I get paid to get a bike, or find a very cheap one to last me until I can afford a real beaut.

I'm in bike heaven here though, so many real bikes! When you look at the prices of them compared to what they sell for in Britain, you start to come up with a business idea...

Episode 4: In which alles läuft nach Plan!

So, things seem to have fallen into place, after much stressing out about a lack of place to live and a seemingly endless stay in the hostel ahead of me, I've found a house. It's a 3-bedroomed house about 10mins cycle from the city-centre (what other way is there of measuring distance here in the Netherlands?!)  I shall be living with two people whom I met in the hostel, an Italian and a German. We will hopefully be moving in tomorrow, should everything go to plan. Today, we went to ikea to pick up a few essentials, and then stopped off an excellent second-hand shop, where we're going to pick up a couch etc. My room is quite large, I'd guess at maybe 30m2 or so, so there's plenty of scope for making it my own little place for the year.

Finding a house has definitely made me feel much more positive about this year, as I was having some doubts especially after what seemed like an eternity spent living in the hostel with no end in sight. Plus, the fact I've made some friends means the lack of contact with people my age has been avoided! Good times!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Episode 3: In which I touchdown in B-Town

So I'm here. I caught the Eurostar yesterday to Brussels, then hopped on a typically shoddy SNCB train to Antwerp to crash chez David before heading on to Breda this morning. The hostel I'm staying in for a few days whilst I try and find somewhere to live is pretty standard (I managed to guess the password for the hostel internet, no paying for me!), roommates are nice and are all in the same situation as me regarding finding somewhere to live. Though they're students so they have it easier! I have two housing appointments tomorrow, so hopefully something will come of them, we shall see.

In other news, I have the flu. It is well rubbish. I've gone through a 64-pack of tissues in my 2 days of travelling.