I've previously given my twopennith about Dutch fashion trends, now it's time to heap scorn and disapproval upon that other renowned dutch visual characteristic: the hair.
Now, for those of you not familiar with the concept of Nederhaar, consider yourself lucky. This means that you have never experienced the Bar Drip. This common occurrence in the Netherlands is as follows: a young dutch gentleman who, owing to the temperature of the room, an overuse of gel in his hair and some excellent northern European genes, is now towering over you dripping small globules of supermarket own-brand wet look hair product onto the bar at an alarming rate. To find a comparable consumption of wet-look hair gel, you would have to turn up on the set of a 1990s boyband video.
Now, 'to each his own', I hear you cry in a bored voice, no doubt induced by the inane purpose of this post, but this nation-wide trend is currently manifesting itself on top of my head. A trip to the hairdressers here seems to result in the dreaded Nederhaar, regardless of what you actually ask the hairdresser for. I'm going to go wash away the wet-look gel in the shower, along with my self-respect.
Now you have two options: Either you post a picture of your Nederhaar or you post a picture of your Nederhaar. I need to see if it's anything like the Stureplan Backslick and if the bouncers at White Room would approve or not.